Why is the dinner party download ending
Why is the dinner party download ending

The guests thank their hosts for a pleasant evening and drive off. Mr and Mrs Brown see them off at the garden gate. The Carters offer to run them to the station in their car. Presently Mr Brown brings out some of his new records he thinks his guests will like to hear.Īt about eleven o'clock the Macdonalds decide they must go as they have to get back to London. For a while the ladies sit and talk while the men stand about smoking their cigars and talking business. When dinner is over they go to the sitting-room. Mr Brown often wonders how his wife can manage to make sure that all her guests enjoy themselves, and at the same time the dinner is well served.īut then, he has known for a long time that his wife is a very clever woman! She is very good at getting people to talk in an interesting way, and there is always plenty of laughter at her dinner-table. Mrs Brown will not let the men talk about trade and politics all the time when she thinks anyone is getting tired, she changes the subject. The conversation at table is lively and interesting.

why is the dinner party download ending why is the dinner party download ending

Cheese and biscuits and coffee will be served after the sweet. There are four courses: soup, fish, meat and a sweet which is pudding today. She is always a little worried in case something goes wrong, but this evening everything goes well and the guests make many kind remarks about her cooking. Mary Brown does all the cooking in her house.

why is the dinner party download ending

At eight o'clock Mrs Brown says dinner is ready, and they move into the dining-room. Sherry is the most popular wine in England men usually prefer dry sherry, but women prefer sweet.

why is the dinner party download ending

The guests arrive at about half past seven and are shown into the sitting-room where Mr Brown pours drinks for them. It is just a small dinner-party for four of their friends: Mr and Mrs Carter and Mr and Mrs Macdonald. This evening the Browns have invited some friends to dinner.

Why is the dinner party download ending